This article talks about the pricing of your product and the correct techniques to do so. The cite teaches you to differentiate your prices and divide your customers  into different groups. According to that the products that you may offer must be tailored to the demand that you are trying to target. The cite also touches on the topic of whether you are a new business trying to penetrate the market o

This article talks about on-line marketing through Google. It provides us with a positive image of the entity and gives you tips on how to properly use the web-cite and its services. On-line marketing is crucial to an entrepreneur to successfully  run a business. Lots of owners try to fit as many "key" words in their cite as possible, but the truth is that you cant be everything that everyone needs, you need to target and audience, and deliver. It is also crucial not to get too adversarial. Nowadays customers are bombarded by ads and lot of the times ostentatious ads are annoying and not eye-catching for your customers. These tips and several more are listed and elaborated at the aforementioned link.
Picture is the web page that I visit most frequently throughout my day. I like this web site because it is very easy to navigate and gives you all the latest information about the University of Utah men’s tennis team. The page belongs to the University so it does not have any ads that cluster your page with annoying suggestions and requests to purchase any kind of produce. Even though the web site is very simple it can link the surfer to any part of the University that is related to athletics.

A=attention. The top of the cite is colored in Red and Black catching your attention almost immediately.  As well as the name is very distinct so you know that you are in the right place

I=interest. It highlights the latest and most important news that happened in the team.

D=desire. There is a sidebar on the right hand of the cite showing all the followers and fans of the team. We have followers from all over the world which creates a desire to start playing the game of tennis.

A=action. People leave their comments on twitter, facebook and our blog about the home meets. There is information about the tennis facility and hours that are available for people to play the game.


    I am writing this blog to fulfill an assignment in PRT 5460 Electronic Marketing


    September 2012

